

UML bootcamp is based on Martin Fowler's book UML Distilled … . It is a rapid introduction to object oriented analysis and design techniques encompassing the following topics:

  • Object definition
  • Requirements
  • Modeling Tools (KISS)
  • Use Case Model including Use Case Diagrams, Scenarios, and Improvisations
  • Semantic Decomposition
  • Candidate Class Identification
  • CRC Technique and Core Class Identification
  • Activity Diagrams
  • Class Diagrams
  • Class Diagram Refinement Techniques
  • Interaction Diagrams – Sequence and Collaboration diagrams
  • Design Patterns – a method for managing cohesion and coupling
  • Iteration and Model Refinement – three levels of perspective, conceptual, specification, and implementation
  • Model Consistency
  • Decision Framework
  • Project Management and Iterative Development

Intended Audience:
While having an understanding of objects is a big plus it is not a requirement. The course is intended for the technical staff (development and their immediate management) as well at quality assurance personnel. The best class mix will include a majority of development staff with a few management and QA individuals.

Maximum Class Size: 20

Duration: 2 days

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